I have thrown over 200 events ranging from at home parties for my kids, party bus trips for adults, girls night out, baby showers, weddings, corporate events and the opportunities have been endless for me. My guests are always amazed at how much I do and give away to all of them. People, especially parents usually ask me how I am able to do it all and they often wonder how affordable it can be for them. I have so many party ideas, tips and tricks that will be posted regularly focusing on everyday challenges that are part of the party planning process, you just have to stay tuned. My number one tip of the day is so simple yet it is the most overlooked throughout the planning process. I truly believe that “failing to plan is planning to fail,” therefore my biggst nugget for you today is to always plan ahead. Often time give yourself at least 3-6 months for small get togethers. Allow yourself 6-12 months for large events and special events such as weddings should be considered at least 12-18 months in advance. I cannot stress how important planning ahead is because, at the end of the day when you do not allow yourself the necessary time to address unforseen challenges and issues that may arise throughout the planning process, you will find yourself more stressed out. Planning ahead allows you to acknowledge and rectify those hurdles long in advance which, in the end will release your burdens leading up to the day of your event. To find yourself less stressed so you can be ready for more party time fun, remember to always keep a Party N a Box in mind. We can do as much or as little as you desire because, we are here to save you time, money and release your stress with any of our pre-designed and pre-coordinated kids or adult party packages.